Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pythus using bats and nosferatu.

Credits for this Pythus guide go's to Murderface from world: undead. thank you Murderface

Used a lvl 19 Att. gen. on lvl's 1-19. Lvl 15 Att.Gen. should work. (if you are worried add more bats) And used a lvl 15 Def.Gen. on lvl 20. Ziggurat was at lvl 5 and did not use Vengeance or Fortitude. (so if your ziggurat isn't lvl 5 use them) 
researches were as follows: TW 8, BT 8, SB 7. (sorry i do not have the lvl 1 pic. just use what was used on lvl 2)


  1. Is that with zig bonus or without? on both the bats and nos ones?

  2. lvl 6 = 21.8k VB, 11.5k NB, 4700 NOS, TW8 SB7 SV8 BT8 Zig5

  3. This is another way to do lvl 20 its done by murderface too:

    Not sure on research though

  4. Woooo Thank you for this guide got my op.

  5. does anyone know the troops and troopc count i can do all pythus with using only nems and nos perferably?i have a lvl5 zig lvl15 atk or def general and all research at 9? any help is appreciated

    1. this was my previuos post and i have done all pythus to lvl 8 so far with only nems, 55k got me through lvl 7 there are varied losses but none over 1k. lvl 15 atk gen and all 9 on researchim waiting till i have 65k nems for 8 and then ill decide on 9 and 10. i will add these as well. Drahmal, TALBOTS REVENGE

    2. just attacked pythus lv8 with 100k NB's
      870 losses.

  6. has anyone else attempted this???

    if so what was ur research and zig at?

  7. lost 125 vampire bats following this guide for lvl 5.

  8. You can Defeat level 10 Pythus with less nos . I had the following :

    - important researches at 8
    - no Zig
    - Commander attack lvl 16
    - Nos 1800
    - Nemisis Bats 30 k
    - Vampire Bats 50 k
    - At's 1 , FF's 1

    and you lose only 332 Nos . It works . I tried it . because i didn't have all that Nos .

  9. I took Level 10 Pythus with 100k nembats, nothing else. Lost under 500 nems. (don't remember the exact number) But it works.

  10. 20k nems ,65k bats & 5600nos &it will clear& u loss only 100 nos :)

  11. can i beat pythus base level 10
    with vb 25883
    nem 18176
    nos 3749
    snipers 90,000
    grunts 40,000
    sigbins 34,794
    slashers 41,088
    all res level 9
    wats the best way without any loses with these troops i have
    thanx p,s bear in mind i can only attack pythus base with 90k troops at a time

  12. I have completed up to pythus 9 using only nemesis bats loses were only occuring at lvl's 7,8,&9 due to me pushing the limits of minimal troopsi started at 50k nems on lvl 1 and raised roughly 3k every level for power the loses are minimal, i am sorry i will not be doing 10 due to i dont have a lvl 10 assembly point

  13. Wat could i use for pythus 10 with minimal loss?

  14. I need to know how to beat lvl 10 pythus. I have 135k snipers and alot of other troops, can i beat it with my snipers and ats with V and B?

  15. To take Pythus 8 and 9 I sent 63k nems, 27k snips and my gargoyle. With F+V+AF and a lv15 att general, there were 0 losses.

    Obviously you only have to hit these once each, so going all-in seems to work well. The snips+garg weakens the enemy enough for your nems to clean up.

  16. i just beat lv 10 Pythus with the following:
    71,532 vampire bats
    15,000 nemesis bats
    3,468 nosferatu
    Lvl 15 General
    no defense or attack bonus
    Researches were at lvl 9 except BT which is at lvl 7

    1. Forgot to tell that I lost 171 nos. :)

  17. Just hit Pythus 10 with 100kNB. All research at 9 or above. Loss of 413 nb to win.

  18. what was the research on this guide? i just used 29k vb's 2.4k nb's 7.2 k at's and 3k nos and won no loss up to 6 and even then i only lost 10 nos

  19. I hit Pythus 40-50 times a day farming speed ups. I hit with a level 15 gen with a lvl 4 zigg. I always use 99960 nems and 40 nos. You lose the nos or -700 power. I get a 2.5 day and 8 hr speeds up free all day long which is a must for quick training for huge power gains. BTW: I used 100k nems for all levels to the very end my first time through with minimal loses. Now fuck off.

  20. Wait...Lv 10 Pythus the 40 nems cost me -360 power. Its Shank lv 10 I use 7000 vbs and 100 nems. The -700 lose is from the 100 nems. Its good for alot of 8 hr speed ups.

  21. is there antway to beat this with snippers and ats

  22. Lvl 1 Pythus 50k VB and 21,700 Nem Bats. All research lvl 8. Boosted with a Vengeance for good measure. Zero Loss

  23. Lvl 2 Pythus 50k VB and 21,700 Nem Bats. All research lvl 8. Boosted with a Vengeance for good measure. Zero Loss

  24. Lvl 3 Pythus 50k VB and 21,700 Nem Bats. All research lvl 8. Boosted with a Vengeance for good measure. Zero Loss
